Boy Scout Troops 524

Established 1952

Find Us At: Zebulon Baptist Church, Zebulon, North Star District, Occeneechee Council, Wake County, North Carolina, United States of America

Troops Website's History

On 04/01/2020, this website was first offically launched by Chris J. to the public to use as a resource and is being updated regularly. This website was not the first website of the troop though, it is accually the 2nd! The reason a whole new website was created was because of two reasons. Reason 1 is because this website is being run on a private server, meaning it is free to use unlike the first one which had to be paid for as it was being run by Google Sites. And Reason 2 is because the troop has lost contact of the previous websites webmaster and thus has lost all ability to edit or access the old website to make changes. Even though it has not been updated since 8/30/14, you can still visit it with this link to the old website. I must warn you though that most of the links on the old website are either dead or have been sold to other companies to make completely different websites then what they were intended to go to when the old website was still opporational, such as the link to the mobile website on the old website is now a Czech Republic Wire and Internet Companies Website, ha!


1.0.0: This websites first offical launch date. (04/01/2020)

1.0.1: Awahili District link is fixed, underline on links is dropped, link bar gets dividers added between the links, favicon icon added to the tab, Eagles and Home pages are slightly edited. (04/02/2020)

1.1.0: Website page is completly added, Photos page is renamed to Scrapbooks, Home is edited to include new links. (04/06/2020)

2.0.0: A month long project added warnings to inform you on important information, a "last edited" sign at the top to show the last time the website was updated, the backround color of the website was made a lighter shade of green so text is easier to see, Scrapbooks page is competed to have links to all 5 Scrapbooks (I, II, III, IV, and V) as well as the one unoffical one with all of the pages completed, "Troop Trivia!" page is added with 10 fun facts, Home page gets a new first paragraph, Patrol page gets "The Third Patrol" Paragraph added, James D. is added to the Eagle Scout list and more projects added, and Merit Badge page gets second fun fact! (05/27/2020)

2.0.1: Updates are made to Scrapbook V, Patrols, and Members pages after the annuel patrol job votings took place on June 15th 2020. (06/20/2020)

2.1.0: With the Coronavirus winding down, more research was able to be done to take away all warning signs marking very outdated information, the backround color of the website is changed again from green and brown to blue and white (the offical Boy Scout colors), "Possible Future Updates" section added to Website page, 17 more Eagle Projects are put into the system (thank you Mrs. Burke), part 1 of 2 of filling in all of the awards our troop has ever earned was put on the website. (10/12/2020)

2.2.0: The backround color of the website is once again changed to a darker blue to help links become more noticable, major coding issue causing pages not to load is resolved. (11/02/2020)

2.3.0: Due to the time it takes to update the website, the announcements page always seemed to be outdated. To keep the website always current- "Announcements" page was removed, part 2 of 2 of filling in all of the awards our troop has ever earned was put on the website, Awahili District was changed to North Star District and links updated, Patrols and Members pages updated after the annuel patrol job votings took place, minor grammer issues fixed. (06/23/2021)

2.3.1: The new Scrapbook VI now has its page on the website and Scrapbook V is finished, an issue causing the favicon not to load from 2.3.0 is fixed, Minor updates to Merit Badge, Patrol, and Awards pages. (09/05/2021)

Possible Future Updates to Website

Above is the list of updates that have taken place to this website over time, but there is always more you can add to a website no matter how it looks to make it better. A few things that may be done to this website from the near future to the far future are;

-A sliding screen on the Home page showing off recent photos of events that are coming up and have taken place.
-A virtual map on the Home page showing where to find our troop.
-A virtual calander where you can view the calader to see meeting dates and upcoming events rather than from boxes.
-A suggestions box on the Home page to submit suggestions to better improve this website virtually.
-Fitting the screen of the website to fit all screens perfectly, not just computer screens.
-Adding photos to each scrapbook event via links you can click on, a complete virtual scrapbook.

Last Edited: September 2021