Boy Scout Troops 524

Established 1952

Find Us At: Zebulon Baptist Church, Zebulon, North Star District, Occeneechee Council, Wake County, North Carolina, United States of America

Troop 524 Patrols

Our troop has had three patrols from 1988 to the mid-1990's, two patrols from the mid-1990's to 2020, and back to three patrols from 2020 to today. Who goes on what patrol is decided by your rank and if it is your first year or not. The names of these patrols are not permanent and change often, as from 1988 to 2013 it was every six months they took a vote to keep the same name or vote for a new one, today it is once every year at election time in June. As of now, the first year Boy Scout's Patrol is Comrade, the middle patrol is Zebulon Zonkers, and the older scouts patrol is Golden Eagles.


History: This patrol is made only for the first-year scouts who have just crossed over, so when the new scouts come in next year, you move up to the next patrol automatically. We know the first year patrol has been around as the "Flaming Arrow's" since the Troop's reform in 1988 and possibly before changing its name very little in that time, but besides this we don't know much more. As of June 15th 2020, new patrol names would be decided for all (now three) patrols, with "River Rocks" winning in popularity which was created by Stephen H. (their Den Chief). This was the name of the patrol for a year until it was time to switch again when on June 21st 2021 the next patrol name Comerade was made with the patrol call "YEAH!". This is still the name and call of the patrol today.

Management: To be the Comerade patrol leader in Troop 524, this must be your first year in the troop and you must not to be associated with any other patrol (just the patrol you're leading). If you win the election for patrol leader among your patrol's peers during elections in June, you are offical! (Same goes for Assistant Patrol Leader). The current Patrol Leader of Comerade Patrol is Timothey F. and the Assistant Patrol Leader is Eric A. (Note to be the Den Chief you must be on or over First Class rank and not part of this patrol).

Zebulon Zonkeys:

History: This patrol is made for scouts who have been in the troop for more than a year, but still are not yet on their Star, Life, or Eagle Ranks. The earliest history of this patrol goes back to 1988 when the Troop reformed. The middle patrol's name was the "Badgers" and remained this name until 2000, when it was replaced by the "Moose" patrol. After 2000 though, due to a lack of record keeping we don't know how long the "Moose" patrol was around nor what came after them. What we do know about the patrol back then was that it was the 2nd older scouts patrol, as unlike today, the patrols back then had the first-year scout patrol and then two equal older scout patrols which when the first-year scouts aged up, could choose the patrol they wanted to belong to. The older scouts (this patrol) would compete with the opposing older scouts patrol in camporees and scout events to try to sway the first years pick on what patrol they would want to be in. The Badgers were a patrol to be reckoned with, winning over 25 awards of all kinds while they were around (See Troop's Awards)! Due to unknown reasons, this patrol eventually rejoined with the other older scouts patrol to make just one older scouts patrol. After this the "Third" or "Middle" patrol was non-existant, but due to a drive by Mr. Deans to reform it due to the ever-growing number of scouts in the troop, on June 15th 2020 the patrol was formaly restored this time as a patrol for all scouts that are not first-years and not be on their Star, Life, or Eagle Ranks yet either (Note that if a scout ranks up to Star rank before during the year, they will not rank up the the older scouts patrol until elections in June). The name "Bullblocz" was chosen by Mason P. as the first name of the new middle patrol in more than 10 years or so in 2020! "Bullblocz" was chosen as the name from "Bullblock" which the scouts thought sounded cool, but would be cooler to add a hint of Polish accent to it by adding a "cz" at the end but still pronoucing the end as if there was an "x" there. This was the name of the patrol for a year until it was time to switch when on June 21st 2021 the middle patrol became Zebulon Zonkeys with the patrol call ".-.-.-" (dot dash dot dash...) or "AAA!" in morse code. This is still the name and call of the patrol today.

Management: To be the Zebulon Zonkeys patrol leader in Troop 524, this must not be your first-year in the troop, as well as you must be not yet on your Star, Life, or Eagle Ranks (the same goes for Assistant Patrol Leader) and not to be associated with any other patrol (just the patrol you're leading). The current Patrol Leader of Zebulon Zonkeys is Ace F. and the Assistant Patrol Leader is Mattox A.

Golden Eagles:

History: This patrol is made for the older scouts scout patrol or those on or over Star Rank. The earliest history of this patrol goes back to 1988 when the Troop reformed. The older scout's patrol name was the "Vikings" from 1988 to at least 2001 (awards found under Vikings patrol name). We do not know the exact date this patrol changed nor what the name of the patrol after that was due to lack of record keeping at the time. We get more information around 2014, when the older scout's patrol held a voted for "Turtle Train's" as the new patrol name which stuck for 2 years without change until April 27th 2018. At this time the Viking themed camporee at Camp Campbell gave an opportunity to change the patrol name to the "Vikings" again but the name never became offical and the patrol remained "Turtle Trains". This idea did not die off though as at the next Spring Camporee at Camp Campbell the following year (April 2019) a new patrol name would be made combining the "Vikings" and "The Crusaders of Ní" (the theme of the camporee was Monty Python and our troop particularly liked the part of the movie with 'the crusading knights that go ni!') making "The Crusading Vikings of Ni", thus forming the patrol name off of two spring camporees combined. The next time the patrol name would change would be in the Fall Camporee at Camp Campbell on October 4th 2019, with the theme of the camporee being about Paul Bunyan, the legendary lumberjack. Going off of this, the new new patrol name would be "The Crusading Lumberjacking Vikings of Ní". The pattern of adding on the theme of every camporee we went on was thought to continue with talk of a rename to "The Crusading Jedi Lumberjacking Vikings of Ní" for the next 2020 Spring Camporee at Camp Campbell which was going to be Star Wars themed, until it was cancelled due to the Coronavirus leaving the name of the older scout's patrol just as it was before. On June 15th 2020 in our second meeting back after the Covid-19 break, new patrol names would be decided for all (now three) patrols, with the name of "Webelos" being chosen to 'absolutly confuse everyone' and "We(e)bs Away!". The reason the 2018 tradion of adding on the theme of every camporee we went on was stopped was because the name of the patrol was obviously getting too long, making it harder to remeber and spell as the name continued to change. This was the name of the patrol for a year until it was time to switch again when on June 21st 2021 the next patrol name Golden Eagles was chosen with the patrol call "Caw-CAW!" The "Eagles" portion of the patrol name was named after the historic "Eagle Patrol" that was around back in 1981 as a subtle 40 year commemoration. This is the current name of the older scouts patrol today.

Management: To be the Golden Eagles patrol leader in Troop 524, you must be on or over Star Rank (the same goes for Assistant Patrol Leader) and must not to be associated with any other patrol (just the patrol you're leading). The current Patrol Leader of Golden Eagles is Brennan M. and the Assistant Patrol Leader is Corban B.

Last Edited: September 2021