Boy Scout Troops 524
Established 1952
Troop 524 Trivia
Below is a list the top 10 trivial facts about our troop. Hope you find it interesting :)
Trivia Fact 1
Our Troop was founded back in the year 1952 making the troop 61 years old (Subtracting the 8 years of disbanding) as of 2020! Sadly, due to lack of record keeping at the time, nobody knows who founded the troop or who the first Eagle Scout was.
Trivia Fact 2
Over the course of those 61 years, we have had at least 79 scouts achive Eagle Rank! The title for 'Most Eagle Achieving Year' is a two way tie between the years 1973 and 2008, with both years ending with 6 scouts achiving Eagle Rank each!
Trivia Fact 3
Our troop lists the names of all of the scouts who achived Eagle Rank on the back of our trailer, a tradition which has been going on since 1972! This also means that the few scouts who achived Eagle Rank before 1972 are sadly not all listed on the trailer.
Trivia Fact 4
Our troop, Boy Scout Troop 524, also has a cubs scouts pack that gathers in the same church, Cub Scout Pack 522, which interestingly came before our Boy Scouts troop.
Trivia Fact 5
Going off of Trivia Fact 4, when our boy scout troop was founded, we wanted to have a close number to the cub scouts (preferably Troop 523) but this number was unavalible so we settled for the next closest number, Troop 524!
Trivia Fact 6
The farthest our troop has offically travelled according to the scrapbooks was to Cimarron, New Mexico! We went to Philmont Scout Ranch there to camp in July of 1990.
Trivia Fact 7
On top of putting the names of all of those who have achieved Eagle Rank on our troop trailer, we also have a "Eagle Board" that each Eagle Scout signs! (again, everyone post 1972).
Trivia Fact 8
We have a tradition in our troop started by then scout Fred B. around 2017 in calling our Senior Patrol Leader (SPL) the "King of Zebulon"!
Trivia Fact 9
From 1952 to around 1967 or so, our troop didn't meet in Zebulon Baptist Church like we do today, but our own "Scout Hut" on the same premises for meetings! It was only one room and was very small. Assumably, this could not hold the growing number of scouts joining the troop and Zebulon Baptist Church was going to need the land for expanding, and so our troop migrated into the meeting in the church rooms, and the short-lived Scout Hut was destroyed.
Trivia Fact 10
In modern times, our troop has won more "Scout Spirit" awards more than any other awards!!
Last Edited: September 2021