Boy Scout Troops 524
Established 1952
Scrapbook III 1/2 Backround
Scrapbook III 1/2 (Scrapbook 3 1/2) is an underfilled and basic scrapbook containing only two events with no labels to identify them. Because of this, we have no way to know when or where these events took place, let alone who created the scrapbook to begin with. We do know it was created in the timeframe between scrapbooks III and IV, so sometime between December 3rd 1993 and July 7th 2017, but judging by the type of picture quality it was most likely made sometime in the mid to late 1990's. The first event in the scrapbook is general camping at an unknown campsite, and the second is indoor rock climbing, also at a place unkown. The unoffical name "Scrapbook 3 1/2" originated just out of lack of any other name to call it. More recently, Chris J. made it a cover (as it had none before) in April 2020. We will most likely never know who made this 'scrapbook' (if even that) or who they were, but now it is mostly just interesting Troop 524 trivia.
Last Edited: September 2021